Welcome to the Party
Guests joined us at a decked out Angry Wade's
Party Planner Extraordinaire
President-Elect Letitia and Treasurer Sharon enjoying the evening. Kudos to Letitia for planning an amazing event.
JLB Cats
A few of our cat-themed outfits - JLB members Marcia, Sharon and Ceresa
Bedazzled Jet
Our very own Jets fan with a few cats - JLB members Letitia, Emily and Sharon
Safari Vet
Good thing a safari vet showed up to care for all of our cats! JLB member Ginny and her patient.
Halloween Spooktacular
2013-14 JLB President Jen dressed as Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas
Raffle Winner
JLB member Marcy, our 50/50 raffle winner for the night
Mel, dressed as Manager Mel
JLB members and friends with Mel, the manager of Angry Wade's
JLB member Marcy, friend Sarah, JLB member Ceresa, Mel and JLB provisional Raquel
Best Costume!
JLB provisional Raquel, friend Mat and JLB member Ceresa with Best Cosutme winner, Sarah
A great night!
Mat and JLB member Sharon enjoying the party at Angry Wade's
Be Our Valentine
We spent a VERY snowy night at Angry Wade's in Cobble Hill at our 3rd Annual Yappy Valentine (sans doggies).
Braving the Snow
Some of the brave crew who trudged out to our 3rd Annual Yappy Valentine in the snow.